Thursday, September 17, 2009


What would this world be without the since of smell?

My lovely Michael has switched from day shift to Graves<--- Yes, folks you guessed it! graves is called graves because it makes you feel like you'll be reaching yours faster :9 And since then I've been tossing and turning through the nights without him. Determined to achieve a full nights rest i put myself up for expermintation.

First experiment: Make my lovely Michaels lunch at 7:30 , have Michael take me upstairs as if we are going to sleep for the night. I forced him to change into pj's and everything also he was not allowed to talk about going to work at all. we pretended like it didn't exsist. Then he would rub my curly hair until I would drift off... "Magic" he would think as he slowly slid out of the bed trying ever so careful not to disturb me. As soon as his smell left the reach of my nose My eyes were as wide as pie. Dag nab it no magic for this one. I stayed up, sent him off to work and rolled around until 2:30 am :( then up at six.

Experiment duece: put Ashton into bed with me. Michael changes into pjs and pretends to sleep then tries to escape. the minute his feet touch the floor my eyes are wide as pie. I kiss him goodbye, put the bed hog back in his bad, roll around until 4:30. oh jeepers was it a long day.

Not so Lucky number three: Promise Mike that a back rub will put me into a deep slumber. awe-ha he caves to my request. Going great a back rub befoer bed this can never get old but to no avail my eyes pop open right before he shuts the door. Again kisses goodbye. No sleep til three :(

Experiment number four: Mikes dirty shirt. mmmkay before you judge.. I was empty and running on 8 Dr.peppers just to stay alive for Ashton. I took mikes dirty shirt that he wore all day. I made sure that it smelt like motor oil and his deodorant sweat smell. I put that puppy on and fell fast asleep after I kissed him goodnight of course!

I realized my rules of no dirty bodies or clothes on my clean sheets would have to change! Because I need my sleep!

What i realized from all these experiments is that I use my since of smell for everything. It is my comfort. I love the smell of syrup when its on Ashton after he just ate his waffles and eggy, I love the smell of Michael's sweat it sounds gross but I promise his sweat doesn't smell bad its amazing. If I could bottle it up and sell it I would.. I would make a fortune too :)I love the smell of engine on mikes hands its such a man smell and it reminds me of child hood, warm sunny days and my grandpas barn.

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