Sunday, May 17, 2009

We're off like a prom dress :)

Well, I finally caved to Melissa and Beth's constant "You should get a blog", "You should be blogging"nags...Thanks to their help and loving advice... here "We Are". I keep using "We" since the blog will be to keep Friends & Family up to date with the happenings of My Family: Mike, Ashton, Drake, Sweet Cheeks and I. I have to say I am plenty shocked that I decided to blog. If there were two groups one named the Blogging bloggers and the other named the Chit chat chatters. I would definately be put in the second group:( I am more of a long winded talker then a writer :)
Ashton is my Lovely baby boy...he's two and hates being called "baby". He's my independent mommy's boy. Michael is my loving, hardworking, incredibly kind husband. Drake is our loving, jumping, attention begging, eats everything, yellow lab AKA our Twinkie. Sweetcheeks, not to be confused with Ruby our mouse who passed away from overfeeding (Yes I overfed her), Is our winter white hamster. She is incredibly sweet and so talented. Just last week she ran so fast in her wheel and then out of nowwhere she became apart of the wheel and did like five body spins, Like whole spins completly around the wheel. I haven't seen her in it since. We should sign her up in nascar because she is the fastest little hamster in a ball I have ever seen. she literally was going so fast that the lid flew off Amazing <3
Whats new In Our crazy life :) Well we have moved back to the Bay after Two beautiful years in Nevada (Tahoe, Heavenly mountain) Michael has gotten a new excellant paying , wonderful benefits job in Concord that we could not turn down . We are currently staying with family while in the middle of finding the perfect home to call Ours. It is definately a change from our intimate condo in Nevada but never the less it will be all worth it in the end :)

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